The purpose of this protocol is to set out the Practice’s policy for staff undertaking a course of study, requesting a period(s) of study leave, or requesting other facilities in relation to study, learning, training or continuing education.



Under the Employment Rights Act and subsequent updates, employees in organisations with 250 or more employees have the right to request time off for training (normally one request per 12 months). The training or study must be in respect of the employee’s effectiveness as an employee and benefit the performance of the employer’s business. Training or study would normally lead to an NVQ or similar level qualification but does not have to lead to a qualification.

Where the Practice employs less than 250 employees or the employee has made a request in the previous 12 months, where practicable, requests will be considered in line with the policy.

To qualify, staff must be employed for more than 26 weeks. The Practice will meet with the staff member in all cases to discuss the request prior to considering it in detail and making a decision. Where the request is declined, this will be in writing and will specify the reasons, normally to be based on a sound business decision. In addition, the request can be declined where the Practice considers that the training or study will not improve the employee’s performance or benefit the business.

In all cases, the request will be considered on an individual basis. The Practice will consider one or all of the following provisions:

  • Paid time off for study
  • Unpaid time off for study
  • Payment for the course of study
  • Non-payment for the course of study
  • Payment or non-payment of examination fees
  • A combination of the above, or a contribution to the above
  • Acceptance of the proposal (may be subject to conditions)
  • Rejection of the proposal (with a formal statement of reasons), and including a right of (non-statutory) appeal


In all cases where a member of staff requests assistance of any kind this will, in normal circumstances, only be considered where the course or event has been previously approved by the Practice in writing.

The principles detailed below apply to both clinical and non-clinical staff, however where clinical staff have a contractual clause relating to study leave or an obligation to participate in continued professional development alternative arrangements may apply, and these will be specified within the relevant sections.


Training Needs Assessment

A Training Needs Assessment will be completed during the annual appraisal. This will establish the training needs of the individual for the forthcoming period.

The needs of the individual staff will be assessed, and where there are common training needs, training sessions will be arranged during the year to which appropriate staff will be invited. Where a training need is best fulfilled by a course of study this will be subject to the provisions within this policy document and will be discussed with staff on an individual basis.


Attendance at Training Sessions

Staff attending these training sessions in their own time (internal or external) will be entitled to claim overtime at the appropriate rate or receive time off in lieu. Where time off is preferred, this will be by agreement and subject to the overriding requirements of the staff rota.

Staff attending these sessions in work time will be required to arrange cover in the usual way or to swap hours with a colleague if needed. Where a colleague agrees to work cover hours overtime will be payable to that person at the appropriate rate. The Practice IT facilities will be available to all staff to use at all times.

Some training is to be considered as mandatory for all staff (e.g. CPR training) or some training in relation to health and safety. The Practice will give adequate notice to ensure that all staff are able to attend and arrange alternative sessions where appropriate where attendance is difficult.

In the event of a staff member having difficulty in arranging training time for training identified within their learning plan, the Practice will arrange for protected time to be made available, where necessary arranging for locum or over cover, or by arranging a closed training afternoon. Staff having this type of difficulty should raise the problem with the Practice Manager.


Approved Courses of Study

A Course of Study is not to be confused with a training course. A Course of Study is regarded as a planned programme of learning, identified on an individual learning plan, which leads to a recognised qualification.

Courses may require personal attendance, may be taken on-line, or may be based on self-directed learning (e.g. the Open University or similar).



All staff are eligible to apply for assistance with training courses or programmes of study.


Training Courses (Short Term)

Administration Staff identifying a suitable training course, seminar or workshop should approach the Practice Manager with details of duration, benefit to the individual or the Practice, fees etc. Day courses or courses of less than 2 days duration which are regarded as a normal part of training or development will normally be approved.

Clinical staff who hold a personal study allowance allocation can book their study days subject to clinical cover being available via ANP and/or GP Partner(s). Details of the course are to be provided however there is no requirement for prior approval of the course itself unless expenses are to be claimed. Clinicians in receipt of a personal educational allowance are not eligible to claim expenses.


Training Courses (Long Term)

Administration Staff wishing to attend an event or a course (including conferences) of 2 days or more in duration will be subject to the recommendation of the Practice Manager and the approval of one or more of the partners.

Clinical staff may attend a long-term course within the limits of the personal study day allocation (see below) and subject to clinical cover. Where the attendance cannot be accommodated within the personal leave allowance then this will be subject to the formal approval of the partners, clinical educational supervisor based on personal development needs, or the clinical needs of either the individual or the Practice. Clinicians in receipt of a personal educational allowance are not eligible to claim expenses.


Educational Courses, Qualifications or Degrees

Staff wishing to embark on a period of supported formal study are normally required to have at least 26 weeks service.

Where support of any kind is required from the Practice the course should be approved formally in advance, and in writing. 

Consideration to accede to the request will be based on:

  • Extent of support required.
  • Course / qualification content.
  • Length of service.
  • Job relevance.
  • Benefit to individual or Practice.
  • Perceived ability to complete the course of study.
  • Previous requests.
  • For clinicians - clinical benefit / relevance to the Practice.

The following procedure will apply:

  • A written request must be made to the Practice Manager providing full details of the course, including:
    • Content and qualification (if any).
    • Duration, cost, and benefit.
    • Assistance required, together with details of any work cover which may be required.
    • name and location of the educational institution, and course attendance times.
    • Evidence that the times for attendance at the course are not available outside normal working hours.
    • Whether leave sought is full time or part time and with or without pay.
  • The request will be considered by the Practice Manager in consultation with one or more of the partners and / or the ANP.
  • The request will be approved or declined in writing, and this will specify:
    • the limit of the support which will be provided, including expenses, time off etc.
    • conditions (if any) attaching, including the circumstances, if any, under which course fees may be recovered from the individual.
    • the reasons for either a conditional or limited approval, or for a decline.
  • An approval may be in full or in part.

Where approval to fully fund an approved course of study is granted the staff member must consent to the provision of progress updates by the institution if requested, to ensure that suitable progress is being made in the course of study.

Study leave or funding may be withdrawn at any time due to lack of suitable progress at the discretion of the Practice, however this decision will not be taken lightly and will follow a period of counselling and a full discussion with the staff member.

Paid leave may be granted to a staff member to attend an examination associated with a course of study and to attend a graduation or conferring ceremony when he/she has qualified for a degree or diploma from a university. The period of leave granted will take into account the time of the examination/ceremony and travel.



The following expenses may be generally claimed:

  • Travel to and from the course from home or place of work by public transport or personal car (HMRC maximum mileage rates apply).
  • Incidental expenses subject to the production of receipts (parking, taxi etc).
  • Overtime for time actually on course where applicable.
  • Course fee.
  • Examination fees for up to 2 attempts at the same subject.
  • Cost to the Practice of providing administration cover will be met.

The following expenses will not be met:

  • Overtime relating to travelling.
  • Meals or other out of pocket expenses.
  • Any expenses not approved within the prior written consent.
  • Any expenses incurred by a clinician in receipt of a personal education allowance.
  • Clinicians - cost of locum cover.

And in the case of “Educational Courses, Qualifications and Degrees” the following expenses are also excluded:

  • Travel to and from the course from home or place of work by public transport or personal car.
  • Incidental expenses as above.
  • Overtime for time actually on course.

This benefit is non-contractual, and the Practice reserves the right to alter or withdraw it. 

Should a staff member leave employment within two years of completing an Educational / Qualification course of study they will be required to reimburse the Practice all or part of the sum expended, as set out in the Training Costs Agreement.

  • If the Practice agrees to contribute, generally the maximum Practice contribution will be two-thirds of the cost of the course.
  • The Practice will pay one-third in advance, and the other third will be available on successful completion of the first module / year / course component.
  • The cost of examination fees will be met in full for up to 2 attempts at the same subject.
  • Should the staff member abandon the course of study or fail to complete the course the Practice will normally require full reimbursement of any amounts paid. In exceptional circumstances the partners may consider the waiver of this requirement
  • Should the staff member leave employment during the course of study the full amount paid by the Practice will be reimbursable, if necessary, by salary deduction.
  • Should the staff member leave employment after completion of the course of study the amounts paid by the Practice will be reimbursed to the Practice in the following proportions:

Within 12 months    -                  75% reimbursement

12 months to 24 months –          50% reimbursement

24 months – 36 months -            25% reimbursement

Over 36 months                -        no reimbursement



Partners / Employed GPs (excluding below)

10 full days in any calendar year. This applies to both full time and part time partners.

Untaken study leave can be carried forward into the next 12-month period. Leave may be taken in half-day units.

Flexible Career / GP Retainers

  • Under the FCS, you are entitled to 8 sessions Education per year, regardless of the number of sessions you work each year. 
  • You will be entitled to the pro rata FTE of one protected session per week for Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”).  Your CPD is inclusive of the 8 sessions Education per year.
  • The sessions of work reserved for CPD will be identified in your job plan.
  • Your CPD will be in accordance with a personal educational development plan which will be agreed annually with the Director of General Practice Education and your educational supervisor.  Education time under the FCS should primarily be used for the purposes agreed in accordance with your PEDP. 


GP Registrars

You are allowed up to 30 days per year including half day post graduate course, but these have to be agreed in good time with your trainer/Educational supervisor.  To apply for study leave liaise with the Practice Manager.  The following will normally be part of the allowance:

  • Attendance at courses to assist with preparation for examinations, e.g. acquisition of the necessary ‘theoretical knowledge base’.
  • Paid leave for private study prior to examinations or to write up research. This should usually be no more than one-week pro rata and should only be granted within the exigencies of the service.  Private study leave should serve a very specific defined purpose.  Its aims and objectives should be discussed and agreed between the trainee and his/her trainer well before the planned dates.
  • To take agreed professional and academic examinations. Usually, only two attempts are permitted. Travel expenses may be funded from the study leave budget but not for overseas examinations or diplomas.
  • Attendance at courses or other appropriate activities to acquire specialised skills not easily acquired in the clinical setting.
  • Attendance at courses to acquire specialised knowledge associated with clinical training.
  • Attendance at Deanery half-day or day release courses is counted as part of the entitlement.

Nurses are not allocated a specific study time allowance. It is anticipated that the majority of requests for leave of this nature can be accommodated within the provisions above for both Training Courses and Educational / Qualification courses.

Each request received will be considered based on the criteria and listed and benefits accruing and there will normally be no applied limit to the number of days requested or granted. It is expected that training needs will be identified in nurse personal learning plans and that courses requested will be in line with this and agreed with the clinical supervisor.


Data Protection

When managing an employee's training and development, the Practice processes personal data collected in accordance with its Data Protection Policy. Data collected as part of the operation of the training and development policy is held securely and accessed by, and disclosed to, individuals only for the purposes of managing training and development. Inappropriate access or disclosure of employee data constitutes a data breach and should be reported in accordance with the organisation's data protection policy immediately. It may also constitute a disciplinary offence, which will be dealt with under the organisation's disciplinary procedure.



Time to train – Department for Business, Innovation and Skills