Some consultations are over the phone and via video but we will assess your situation and invite you into the practice if needed.
We can arrange same-day appointments if you need urgent care but please don't visit without an appointment.
To make an appointment please call your surgery during the following times:
- Monday to Friday 08:00 - 18:30
- Heaton Avenue 01708 343300
- Health Centre 01708 343991
Please remember 1 problem per appointment, if you have more than 1 problem please let reception know and they can book a further appointment for you.
Your doctor isn't the only person who can help you feel better
Ask our receptionist if they can refer you to Joy, which are additional services provided within the surgery. See below for the type of help they can offer.
Social Prescriber
Links to community services: local walking schemes, community gardening projects, volunteering, green gyms, arts and cultural events, dance and singing classes, befriending, cookery, healthy eating, relaxation sessions.
Improved quality of life: Managing debt, benefits advice, legal advice, housing, community employment support, skills/education development, drug and alcohol support, community safety, coping strategies.
Personalised care plan: Active listening, time, space, smart goals, empowerment, self-esteem, confidence, give control, social, practical and emotional support. Social, practical, emotional support: mild mental health, isolation, carer, low self-esteem, low confidence, pregnant women, elderly, managing long-term conditions, bereavement.
Health & Well Being Coach
Lifestyle Management: Motivational coaching, Healthy Lifestyle Education, Self Esteem/Confidence, Weight Management, Activity management, Healthy Eating
Stress Management: Burn-out/Fatigue, Anxiety/Depression, Aches/Pains (stress related), Complementary Therapies (Yoga, Meditation, Shiatsu/Acupressure, Healing etc.), Lockdown Syndrome (low mood, apathy, helpless, mental/emotional fatigue, physical tiredness without cause)
Long Term Conditions: Diabetes, COPD, MSK (Desk related or sedentary lifestyle), Low Level Mental Health, Pre-medication (SSRIs, Analgesics, Statins etc.), Blood sugar, Cholesterol, Blood pressure.
We also have an in-house physiotherapist. If you require the expertise of a physiotherapist for example back pain, joint pains or an injury requiring treatment, our physiotherapist will be able to assess, advise and order any tests that you may require.
Our Dieticians assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems such as: IBD, IBS, coeliac disease, GORD. Overweight or obesity including complex weight management e.g. fatty liver, diabetes, low muscle mass. Frailty or malnutrition e.g. neurological conditions, access to food, modified diet/dietary restriction, risk of frailty - MUST of 2 or below, poor appetite, cachexia, low BMI, unplanned weight loss, sarcopenia and perioperative nutrition.
Please click here for more information about Social Prescribers Link will open in new window
Cloud Based Telephone System
We are pleased to announce that our new telephone system went live on 9th April 2024.
The new system will enable you to contact the relevant department with ease, we will only have 1 telephone number for each surgery.
The Health Centre - 01708 343991
Heaton Avenue - 01708 343300
You can select one of the options below when calling either surgery, you will be given a place in the queue where you can either wait on the line or request a call back when your position in the queue is next. Please note ALL calls will now be recorded.
General Enquiries
Insurance/Solicitor Reports
Our other services have not changed so you can still use AccuRx for admin queries or book appointments using the NHS APP.
Appointment Booking System
Appointments will be bookable from 8am-6:30pm, Monday to Friday. However, appointments will only be booked 2-weeks in advance and the appointments for 2-weeks' time will be released the following day at 8am.
For example on Wednesday 27th March each surgery will release their appointment availability for the following day in 2 weeks time; Heaton Avenue will release 12 appointments for Wednesday 10th April and The Health Centre will release 14 appointments for the same day. Thursday 28th March; Heaton Avenue branch will release 20 appointments for Thursday 11th April and The Health Centre wil release 20 appointments for the same day. These can be booked on-line or via phone. This will enable us to offer appointments in 2 weeks time rather than waiting the current 3-4 weeks.
Emergency appointments will still be available daily from 8am at each surgery.
Please ensure you call the surgery that you are registered at to book an appointment.
Covid-19 Vaccines are available at Crescent Pharmacy
65 Masefield Crescent
Gidea Park
Either WhatsApp on 07812 064493 or call on 01708 345349 to book

Covid-19 Vaccines are available at Crescent Pharmacy
Home Visits
If possible please try to telephone the surgery before 10:00am if you require a home visit.
You may only request a home visit if you are housebound or are too ill to visit the practice.
Your GP will only visit you at home if they think that your medical condition requires it and will also decide how urgently a visit is needed.
You can be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP or a health visitor; if you have recently had a baby or are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
A lack of transport or having to look after young children are not considered reasons to justify a home visit.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.